
Hello! Welcome to my site, where I show off my work and offer myself for potential work! I work in graphic design, video editing, and web design, trying my best to appeal to potential clients and provide quality products to whoever would need assistance on their own stuff. Whether you need a flyer, brochure, print ad, post card, promotional video, or whatever, you can count on me to deliver something you can be satisfied with.

Artist Statement

For my art, I use the digital landscape to explore artistic creativity. I try to be experimental, trying new things and seeing what I can do. I use what can appeal to potential clients and have them appeal to a wide audience.

Some History

I started learning and practicing with graphic design at College of Central Florida, taking multiple classes to learn various aspects of the subject and making projects. I did video editing on my own using Da Vinci Resolve making funny videos in my own time, and later learning Adobe Premiere Pro in college. I took classes for web design, working with WordPress and HTML.

Some History